Thursday, September 14, 2006


I really am doing something. I am. I'm compiling a list of all books I can remember reading in the last few months. A somewhat daunting task being as how I devour books like Jessica Simpsons love life chews up tabloids.

I call my friendly library the other day in hopes of obtaining a list of all the books I've read in the last, oh say, 2 years. But alas,contrary to popular belief, the library, which I routinely turn to, aside from Internet, for information, does not keep reference or records of every book I have ever checked out. Surprisingly enough, I was informed, in a "big brother" is watching-type way, that due to a privacy act, the library cannot keep a record of such things. Not cannot reveal it to me, not does not keep record or will not keep record, but CAN NOT.

But she could tell me I had some currently checked out that were overdue and would I like to renew them. Shocked as I was, I did renew the cd of Harry Connick Jr's We are in Love and Entertainment Weekly's Billboard Hits of 1992 as I had already turned in the biography of Madame Tussaud and Marrying Mozart and set to making the list of all lists.

I found myself writing on scraps of paper, napkins, my palm and texting to myself, titles of books that would pop into my head, in fear of forgetting just one sumptuous literary meal I once savored. So far, I can only remember 17 delectable word feasts and am busy writing the recipe for everyone to sample as well. For those unfamilar with similes or metaphors, it just means I'm writing a review of them all soon.

That said, if you can remember me telling you that "I read this really great book called _____" please let me know via email or phone call so that I can include that particular one as well. Or, if you have read a great or not-so-great book or article or even have discovered a really great magazine, let me know. I'll take a look and see what I think.