Wednesday, June 02, 2010

ONE MORE TIME, FROM THE TOP.....Lets try this again. I really am trying to blog. I have a thousand and one things to talk about and can't seem to find the time to type a post. Geez - how do some people do it? I have friends like Angie and Joe over at The Schlosser Adventures or Kendall and Jeff at News from the Neelys who have jobs, and children, and familes and still find time to post. Hats off to them!

Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post. As most of you know, I have a fabulous beau, and a super faboo job at an amazing museum in the gorgeous city in which we both reside. Fab Beau keeps the peace as a police officer and I plan events for the city's many destination weddings and tour groups. Its a good life, I have to admit! We love our little apartment (well I love it, he wants a house on a kabillion acres) just minutes from the beach, and our 2 crazy furbabies who I like to call the Pup (his 2 year old white doby) and the Grump (my 8 year old black lab whippet mix). I wont quote that crazy Gosselin clan with their "it might be a crazy life..." I prefer my Team Duggers and their "somehow we make it all work." This is true. Enough said.

When I'm not organizing caterers and rental companies, I work with a great bed and breakfast in town planning and coordinating intimate weddings. I just had a awesome 150 person event this last weekend. Bride and Groom were phe-freaking-nomenal and proved that sometimes the bigger the event, the easier it is to control. Everyone had a wonderful time and it was a really gorgeous event with great music (beatles anyone) that barely left a dry eye in the house when two bridesmaids sang Let it Be for the bride's late mother. I had to put on my sunglasses to keep my pro composure. And a big shout-out to my helpers S. and A - ya'll rocked the house and helped keep the s#!t together.

FabBeau has had a rough week. He is still in the training phase - altho he is a 'real cop' - he still rides with a traning officer for a few weeks. The first one he had was the bomb dot com, the second was eh. He was a good guy but his comments seemed to make FB doubt himself which I hate because he gets a pity party attitude which doesnt fly in our house and I worry that he will doubt himself in an important situation and end up with not-so-great results. We are favoring the guy he has now, who is quiet but keeps FB in line and on the lookout. You get those bad buys, baby!

Before I go, I haffa give props to a few blogs that have kept me together for a little bit now. It gets crazy sometimes and I like knowing that there are other people like me, such as

A Police Wife
Requesting Backup

These ladies are awesome and inspiring and awe-inspiring. Mrs Fuzz at Police Wife has kids and is married to her cop, while Requesting Backup and her copper have just moved in together following his graduation from police academy - thats more like me and Fab Beau.

I also like following lifestyle blogs mainly because they inspire me too but more to be an a very cool adult than a good and lovely police girlfriend. I'll get to those and some local blogs that I like to stalk from time to time too!

See ya'll lata!