SLACKING AGAIN, I know, I know. Its been crazy the last few weeks. The beau is finishing up his last week of riding with a training officer and I've been maintaining the household while they send him on these crazy shifts. All while I had finished working an awesome wedding Ihad been working on for over a year, had minor surgery, went out of town, booked some awesome events at work, tried to look for a new house, and fended off general evil in my spare time.
I really think that the police department should call that "family night" meeting the department holds while they are still in academy, "Life at the Speed of Government." At this meeting they tell you how you are responsible for supporting them while in the academy, and you have to push them and you do this, you do that. What they should say is that you should pretty much forget any plan for a normal routine life from here on out, and that you will probably be the one in charge of any kind of routine you might try to establish. I mean this is the nicest way. I LOVE his department and we've liked his training officers. The beau is a great cop and was meant to do this job. But I - and others in the future -would appreciate a little more detail at that family meeting than the ol' this will be tough for them, please support them, speech. Oh and don't glare at the significant others who aren't wives when talking about the community shelter available for immediate family during hurricanes. I know that we are not married, yet, thank you very much, and I have my own hurricane plan so nnnuh!
I didnt mean for this to be a police-related post but it gets away from me sometimes. And thinking about our schedule, or lack thereof, makes me wonder how other girlfriends, boyfriends, wives and husbands do it. Not just with police officers but any civil servant really, and doctors, or even high-powered business people. We dont have children, but we have two fur babies who love their dad, and are really bummed when he is not around sometimes. As the mom, I think the pups feel that I'm not as fun as dad, and really just try to clean the house and tidy up our lives in general when he's at work. Is that weird that I humanize our animals like that? The beau says it is, but I dont care, they are awesome and they totally know whats going on in this house. They get it!
Anyway, its Saturday and I've got a wedding to get ready to set up for in a few hours. The beau is sleeping so I guess I'll go read in bed, pups around me and him, so at least we are together for a little while today! Have a great weekend ya'll!